Monday, December 8, 2008

Deelishis Smashin the Boy Allen Iverson?

I know there is a lot of buzz on the net about Deelishis cheating on her man Orlando with Allen Iverson. Supposedly Deelishis wanted to clear rumors. Check it out

…nope, still Deelishis and Orlando. We won’t wither, but we shall weather the storm! A.I. and myself are friends and like any other celebrity male figure who I’ve met in the industry and have become an aquaintance of, of course we hang out and like friends do, laugh, kick it and keep it moving. It is a shame that two adults of the opposite sex cannot be friends without someone assuming bullsh*t. This is just one of many rumors that many celebs have heard or dealt with about themselves and I know I shouldn’t be moved by it, but he has a family and so do I, and they don’t appreciate having to hear bullsh*t every 5 seconds just because some blogger, onlooker or just a flatout HATER is being nosey, messy or having a bad day! Grow Up!!! One day all that BAD karma is gonna come back to bite you in the ass! God Bless You, and may you continue to live your life, and stop being overly involved in others.

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